
Showing posts from February, 2020

Philmont 2021

Just a reminder that John Kuehn is collecting names and deposits of those who would like to attend Philmont with the Troop in 2021. The date is June 12-24, 2021. Non-refundable deposits need to be in by March 31, 2020. Your scout must be 13 1/2 and completed the 8th grade by the time we arrive at Philmont or age 14+. Total cost will be $1,350 broken into three additional payments of $500, $500 and $350. Visit THIS WEBSITE for more information.  Please note, there is a section that deals with health issues. Philmont is strict when it comes to height and weight requirements in order to attend. If you have questions or concerns about this please review the website to see what Philmont expects of its participants. Coordinator: John Kuehn  (click to e-mail)

Troop Meeting Tonight

Troop Meeting tonight in the FLC (Family Life Center) at 7pm FEBRUARY ILST PERMISSION FORMS ARE DUE  APRIL CAMPOREE PERMISSION FORMS AND $$ ARE DUE TO ENSURE T-SHIRTS/BADGES February ILST Permission Forms may be found HERE .  Cost is $10 April Camporee forms may be found HERE . Cost is $35

Chisholm Trail

Chisholm Trail is a unique and unforgettable high adventure, the first of many for most scouts. While most High Adventure experiences require a scout to be 14, those who are 12 and have completed the 7th grade or 13 years old (by June) and older may attend Chisholm Trail. At Chisholm Trail, we get a pontoon boat for a week, do six high adventure outposts, and cool off with watersports all afternoon every day!  The outposts could have us fighting in living history battles, tubing, wakeboarding, windsurfing, jumping on the blob, and more! For more information, check out the Chisholm Trail experience  HERE . Chisholm Trail 2020 deposits of $100 per person are due to Bob Morgan. Potential dates: June 7-13 (note that these dates conflict with Northern Tier) or June 28 – July 4 (the week after Summer Camp) The date selected will depend on most participants’ availability. While Northern Tier is a minimum age of 14, it is not expected to be a huge conflict in that r


Saturday, February 29 at 2pm is our Crossover event at Hills & Hollows where all incoming Arrow of Light Scouts transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.  This event will be immediately following the ILST. We need adult and Scout help beyond those attending/helping with ILST!

Introduction to Leadership Skills Training

February 28-29 (Friday/Saturday) will be an ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills Training) campout at Hills & Hollows and is intended for any Scout interested in holding an elected/leadership position in Troop 1910 for the upcoming 3/23 elections. ILST is required for the Senior Patrol Leader ("SPL") team, in addition to NYLT/Twin Arrows training. Permission Forms are due by 2/24.  Download HERE .

Troop Meeting Tonight

Troop Meeting tonight in the FLC (Family Life Center) at 7pm If you were a grubmaster on the February 7-9 campout,  please be sure to bring your cooler and tote back clean and dry.  Scout Saver Cards (previously called Camp Cards) fundraiser has begun, and Mr. Christopher Franklin will have cards available at this and upcoming meetings for those wishing to participate – for more information on this new fundraiser, please visit:   Couple differences from Camp Cards are that this new fundraiser has an online application allowing use across the country via local and national discounts. Also, the cards will sell for $10, with $5 going into Scout Accounts (similar to past years), but non-sold cards may not be returned for free – you must pay $2 per un-sold card. So, while we encourage participation, do be mindful of how many cards you check out.

Duty To God Pilgrimage / International Faith Journey

2020 Duty to God Pilgrimage/ International Faith Journey (July 22nd - July 27th) Click HERE for the full flyer. This is an opportunity for Scouts to visit inspiring locations from Amarillo to Santa Fe, while earning their denominations religious award and qualifying for several international awards programs, including the Religious Knot Award, International Spirit Award and the Messenger of Peace Award. 125% of program results are routinely achieved because they don't cook or camp. Scouts must be First Class and age 12 by June 18, 2020 but if their parent also attends, a younger Scout will be accepted. Cost is $280 Attendance is limited to 50 Scouts. There are only 21 seats left, so don’t wait if you're interested.  Deposit information is on the flyer linked above.

Keller UMC Resource Center Donations

The Keller UMC needs help with Resource Center, which is a food pantry for those who are unserved or underserved in our community, and we ask that you might consider donating some of the items on the donation request form HERE .  (Please note I'm working on obtaining a clean copy and not an image.) Additionally, Pastor Paige Hines asked for us to add bags of pinto beans to that list as well. Such items may be dropped off at the church office at Keller UMC during the following hours:  Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-5pm Friday, 8:30am-noon Saturday, 2-5pm  You are also welcome to bring donations to any regular Troop meeting, and leadership will take them to the church later in the week. Also, if you have new-in-package food items left over after campouts, please donate them to the church resource center on the Monday following the campout.

Troop Gear Buy/Sell/Trade Page

Troop 1910 also has a Facebook page set up so that our parents can buy, sell, or give away gear that they no longer need. If you would like to join, please click the icon above or go to the link below:

Did You Know We're On Facebook?

Our Troop has a private Facebook group that you may request permission to join. Be sure to answer the questions to be allowed access to the group. This is a great place to see photos posted from campouts and events from ASMs attending. Click the Facebook icon above or HERE to be taken to the group page.

General Reminders

SCOUT BARN: Any Scout needing access to the Scout Barn must be accompanied by two adult leaders CYBER CHIP: Your Scout’s Cyber Chip must be renewed annually as per BSA requirements, and must be current for all Rank Advancements. See for requirements based on grade.  SAFE SANCTUARY: All parents are encouraged to become Safe Sanctuary certified ($15 fee) – this greatly helps us with campouts, Troop meetings and events, and Merit Badge Counseling, as required by our Charter (Keller UMC). TROOP MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Scouts and Leaders announcements: When you get up in front of the Troop to speak, please state your name and position that you hold for the Troop, so all of our new Scouts can get to know you. ASSISTANT SCOUTMASTERS (ASM's):  Please remember to sign off on Scouts’ achievements on when you sign off in their handbooks whenever possible. This can be difficult on campouts, but the Committee spends a large amount of time fixing

Life Scouts... Please take note

Life Scouts working towards Eagle Projects or preparing for Eagle Board of Review, as per, please make sure you are using the current Eagle workbook required found HERE   Save this document to your hard drive before entering any information or whatever that was input will not save. As of 9/2/19 - Mustang District Advancement Chair, Theresa Chasteen states:  Eagle Project Approvals Are done twice a month. They are scheduled the first Sunday of each month and the third Thursday of each month. The scout must obtain all signatures except Council/District signature on his project proposal page E before emailing to schedule a time to meet. A parent or another adult leader must accompany the scout to this meeting. If the scout is more than ten minutes late to the meeting or does not bring another adult we will need to re-schedule for another date. We are currently trying something new with the sign- up process and we wil

Campout Reminders

The 10 essentials all Scouts should have with them on Campouts: Mess kit Water bottle and/or hydration pack Pocketknife (Totin’ Chip required) Rain gear Flashlight / head lamp Layered clothing – jacket for cold nights First-aid kit Sun protection (Hat and sun screen)  Compass  Fire starter (Firem’n Chit required) If you notice Tent/Rainfly damage on any future campouts, please set up and take photo of the tags on both with serial numbers and the type of damage and e-mail those to Wes Hunter  please. That will greatly help with correcting these issues. Scouts need to remember that electronics/phones are not allowed on campouts. If they are used on the ride there, they must be left in the vehicle that you rode in to the campout.

How Can I Help The Troop?

Every Scout’s parent(s) should be involved with the Troop in some way as follows in order to exemplify servant leadership to their Scout. Do so by stepping up to be either an Assistant Scoutmaster, being an active Committee Member, serving as a Merit Badge Counselor or assisting at any of our special events. Assistant Scoutmaster (also referred to as an "ASM") – ASM’s help run the monthly campouts, as well as long-term camps, for the Troop, and also sign off Scout handbooks when Scouts show they have completed rank requirements. To be an ASM, you must provide a BSA Adult Membership Application and pay the applicable BSA National and Longhorn Council Insurance fees.  Qualifications: Scoutmaster-specific training (we typically offer this training at the March Tenderfoot campout to any Adults that are interested) Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills Training (IOLS) – Weekend campout of adults training with District volunteers to learn most of the Trail to 1st C