Troop Meeting Tonight

Troop Meeting tonight in the FLC (Family Life Center) at 7pm

If you were a grubmaster on the February 7-9 campout, please be sure to bring your cooler and tote back clean and dry. 

Scout Saver Cards (previously called Camp Cards) fundraiser has begun, and Mr. Christopher Franklin will have cards available at this and upcoming meetings for those wishing to participate – for more information on this new fundraiser, please visit: 

Couple differences from Camp Cards are that this new fundraiser has an online application allowing use across the country via local and national discounts. Also, the cards will sell for $10, with $5 going into Scout Accounts (similar to past years), but non-sold cards may not be returned for free – you must pay $2 per un-sold card. So, while we encourage participation, do be mindful of how many cards you check out.


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