General Reminders

SCOUT BARN: Any Scout needing access to the Scout Barn must be accompanied by two adult leaders

CYBER CHIP: Your Scout’s Cyber Chip must be renewed annually as per BSA requirements, and must be current for all Rank Advancements. See for requirements based on grade. 

SAFE SANCTUARY: All parents are encouraged to become Safe Sanctuary certified ($15 fee) – this greatly helps us with campouts, Troop meetings and events, and Merit Badge Counseling, as required by our Charter (Keller UMC).

TROOP MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Scouts and Leaders announcements: When you get up in front of the Troop to speak, please state your name and position that you hold for the Troop, so all of our new Scouts can get to know you.

ASSISTANT SCOUTMASTERS (ASM's):  Please remember to sign off on Scouts’ achievements on when you sign off in their handbooks whenever possible. This can be difficult on campouts, but the Committee spends a large amount of time fixing and deciphering dates to get this done at a Scout’s Board of Review time.


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