Winter NYLT Course - Waitlist


For Scouts interested in being an Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) or Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) in the future, scouts can register for the waitlist for the winter NYLT Course.

NYLT 227-SR2 Course – 6 Day Course, Tuesday - Sunday
Fee: $200 
December 26-31
Location: Sid Richardson

For those interested but who weren't able to register this go round, please note that there is usually one every Spring Break (March 10-15) and also one in the summer.  Be watching for those opportunities if your Scout is interested.

Note that your Scout must apply to attend but prior to application, they need to personally speak with Mr. Buell, Scoutmaster because the unit leader signature required is the Scoutmaster’s.

Participant Requirements:

If you are attending as a Scouts BSA youth, you must:

  • Be a registered member of a Scout Troop for a period of 6 months prior to the start of the course
  • Have earned your 1st Class Rank by the start of the course.
  • Be 13 years of age by the first day of the course and have not yet reached your 18th birthday by the last day of the course.
  • Have your Scoutmaster’s approval signature, questions initialed and your Parent/Guardian’s approval.
  • Be capable of functioning safely and being self-reliant in an outdoor environment
  • Have completed ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops)
  • Have parts A and B of the BSA Medical Form submitted with your application, and have part C submitted to the Course Director no less than 72 hours prior to the start of the course


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