November Campout - Highland Games


November's campout is the annual Longhorn Council Highland Games at Camp Tahuaya (Belton, TX) November 11-13. Featuring professional Scottish Highland games weights, hammers, and much more. You will compete in fun and challenging Celtic tests of strength, endurance and skill. Highland Games is both an individual event and a team event for groups of 4-8 participants from Venture Crews, Teams and Troops at Camp Tahuaya.

There are 2 age classes for youth in all of the events. “Light Weight” are age 11-14 years, and “Heavy Weight” are 15 and older.” There is also a Venturers Class, an Adult Class, and an Adult Coed Class. Team and Individual Awards will be given in each class.

Competitions are “Toss” events that go for distance and “throw” events go for height. Events are Traditional Events with professional Highland Games Equipment, plus several NEW Events. We add a few Scouting touches for safety in some events, like helmets.


Turning the Caber. A caber is a 16-20 foot long pole that is tossed end-over-end. The object is to balance the Caber (pole) vertically over your head, run forward and toss it so that it flips end over end and lands vertically. We use a lighter variant of the 90 to 120 pound logs the Scots use but it’s fun just the same!

Sheaf Toss. What’s a Sheaf? A sheaf is a 16-20 pound bag of hay (10-12 pounds for the light weights). What do you do with it? Hurl it straight up into the air over an adjustable crossbar with a pitchfork. It’s High Jump with pitch forks. Highest toss wins.

Weight Throws. Pick up the weight in one hand, sling it from side to side to gain momentum and throw it the farthest … or as far as possible.

Clachneart. It’s a rounded stone and you throw it – like a shot put. You can spin if you want. Distance Counts.

Braemar Stone. What’s a Braemar Stone? Well, it’s like the Clachneart, except bigger and you can’t move when you toss it (no shot put moves). Again distance counts.

Hammer Throw. Now using professional Scottish hammers! Another throw for distance event. 

Farmer’s Walk. In the farmer’s walk, the competitor picks up two weights, each weighing up to 150 pounds and walks around a series of pylons. The winner walks the farthest. We’ll go a little light on the weight: you’ll use hay bales, bulky but not nearly as heavy. You get the idea… 

Pumpkin Slaying. Demonstrate your swordsmanship as you slay a pumpkin with a Scottish Claymore sword! . . . if you can hit it!

Battle Axe Throw. The battle axe was issued to the 78th Fraser’s Highlanders, a military regiment from the Highlands of Scotland. The axes were light enough to be used with one hand and heavy enough to dent or puncture armor. The axes used in the competition are lighter than the original weapons, but safer to throw. In competition, the axes are thrown at increasing distances towards a target. The winner is the individual who’s axe, thrown from the greatest distance, strikes and sticks blade first in the targets.

The Fell Race. The fell race gets its name from the hills of Northern England where it originated. It’s a non-traditional endurance test of running and cross-country skills over rough terrain. This cross country race typically features several natural and man-made barriers. This event is just for the Fit! 

Tossing the Wellie. Legend has it that this originated when Scottish husbands wore their muddy boots in the house. In retaliation, the wives threw the boots back at the husbands as they ran from the house to avoid the wives wrath. This game is all about distance and staying between the lines.

As you can see, it's one feat after another... all while wearing traditional Scottish kilts. 
It's going to be a great time for all!


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