
Showing posts from November, 2022

December Campout - Wilderness Survival

  Permission forms for the December Wilderness Survival campout at Worth Ranch are due at our November 28 meeting.
  YOUTH PROTECTION POLICY   Youth Protection Training is required for each adult on the unit charter, and all adults registered in Scouting in the Longhorn Council.  *All adults must have record of current YPT certification through the end of 2023. So what this really means, we all need to take our YPT now. Yes, you..Yes, you that has their YPT expiring on March 2023. Yes, even if it expires November 2023.    *You will not be able to complete your renewal if you, the registered adult, has a YPT certificate that is set to expire during 2023.  *Training can be completed online through .

Court of Honor tonight

         Court of Honor is tonight at 6:30pm.  Join us as we celebrate all who have advanced in rank and/or earned merit badges and awards in the past quarter.  

Veteran's Day 2022

  Veterans Day originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and Nov. 11 became a national holiday beginning in 1938. A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Today we pay homage and give thanks to all of those who have served this great nation of ours from the United States Navy to the United States Army to the United States Air Force to the United States Marine Corps to the United States Coast Guard and each branch of reserves. Scouting has a history rich in military service as well.  Robert Baden-Powell, the father of Boy Scouts, was a British officer with a long military career.  Much he learned along the way in his military career directly correlated with how he established scouting.  As it stands, many of our current military academies are home to a considerable amo

Annual Slideshow - WE NEED YOUR PHOTOS!

  Our annual Troop Slideshow is coming up on December 5. Be sure to join us as we take a look back at everything we've done as a troop over the past year. It's amazing to see how much we've accomplished in 12 short months, and it's great to remember how much fun we've had! If you have pictures from this year's events, we would love to include them. Send them to the Troop email at, or upload and share them to our troop Facebook page or better yet, upload them to the Troop's Google Photo Drive . Our Historian will be putting together a fantastic show for all to enjoy.

University of Scouting

  Although you can take most training courses for just about everything needed online through the my.Scouting portal,  nothing  beats tribal knowledge and networking when it comes to training.  Something you will hear many of us tenured leaders say is that "every Scout deserves a well-trained leader!"   If you are new to Scouting, new in a particular Scouting volunteer position, or perhaps you want to step up to offer assistance in a supporting role, the University of Scouting will have courses offered for just about everything under the sun from the basics in Cub Scouts to becoming an Eagle mentor. Saturday, November 19  is the Longhorn Council's University of Scouting. If you haven't registered, there is still time to pick your courses and make a day of it. Check out the Event Guide  HERE Registration ($30) is open now through November 13. Walk-in registration is $35 In-person courses are at Tarrant County College's Trinity River Campus in Fort Worth. (While wal

November Campout - Highland Games

  November's campout is the annual  Longhorn Council Highland Games  at Camp Tahuaya (Belton, TX)  November 11-13 . Featuring professional Scottish Highland games weights, hammers, and much more. You will compete in fun and challenging Celtic tests of strength, endurance and skill. Highland Games is both an individual event and a team event for groups of 4-8 participants from Venture Crews, Teams and Troops at Camp Tahuaya. There are 2 age classes for youth in all of the events. “Light Weight” are age 11-14 years, and “Heavy Weight” are 15 and older.” There is also a Venturers Class, an Adult Class, and an Adult Coed Class. Team and Individual Awards will be given in each class. Competitions are “Toss” events that go for distance and “throw” events go for height. Events are Traditional Events with professional Highland Games Equipment, plus several NEW Events. We add a few Scouting touches for safety in some events, like helmets. EVENTS Turning the Caber.  A caber is a 16-20 foot l

Volunteers Needed

  The UMW (United Methodist Women) at Keller UMC will host the annual Sharing the Joy event this weekend, November 12-13, 2022.   This is an alternative gift market, to support local and international non-profit and fair-trade organizations. It will be in the Family Life Center (FLC).  See the link above for some of the vendors coming to the sale. Keller UMC has asked our Units for volunteers to help the vendors unload cars and bring in their goods on Saturday morning, 8:30–10 am.  And then do the reverse on Sunday afternoon, 1–2:30 pm.  Service hours will be awarded.  Please observe normal YPT practices.   This is not a heavy lift  – if we have 5-6 Scouts on each day, it will be perfect. This is the camping weekend so if you are NOT attending the campout, please consider assisting.   Reach out to: Tonya Anderson  817-437-9419

Recharter & Dues DUE TONIGHT

  TROOP MEETING TONIGHT And, at the meeting is a VERY IMPORTANT DEADLINE --the final opportunity to pay your RECHARTER MEMBER DUES! All adults rechartering MUST have a current YPT (that does not expire at anytime during 2023) or they will be not be included in the recharter, so bring a copy of your YPT cert to be sure (individual emails were sent to those with expired YPT). If you have not turned in forms/paid/made arrangements for payment, then you will be DROPPED from the Troop roster, so please pay your dues! Please reach out to Suzanne Sampson with any questions and while you're at it, thank her for all her hard work on this Recharter process for the Troop! Youth fees are as follows: $75 BSA National Registration Fees $12 Longhorn Council $75 Troop Dues $162 - for 2023 Youth Registration.    (If you'd like to add Scout Life magazine, add another $15) Adults fees are as follows: $45 BSA National Registration Fees $12 Longhorn Council $57 - for 2023 Adult Registration

PLC Meeting

        There will be a 6:00 pm PLC Meeting tonight before the Troop Meeting.  All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, elected positions and the SPL team should plan to attend.