Troop Elections TOMORROW

Troop elections will be held at tomorrow's Troop Meeting. It is very important that every Scout attend. Your elections allow you to choose your troop leaders for the next six months. Plus, we must have a quorum to conduct elections, so your attendance is critical. As a reminder, all Scouts running for election should be prepared to give a one-to-two minute speech detailing why troop members should vote for you.  Scouts may run for more than one position in the Troop so long as they feel they can fulfill the duties of those positions for the next six months. 

All Scouts registered with the Troop on March 21 are eligible to vote in the election so it is important to attend.

Please direct any questions to ASM Stephen Cook who is in charge of elections again.  Please remember that a parent must be copied on any email to a leader.

Thank you Mr. Cook, for leading our electoral process again.


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