Art in the Square Fundraiser

Save the date to join us April 22-24 for the ART IN THE SQUARE (AITS) fundraiser in Southlake. 

Scouts earn money working shifts with their adult partners/parent in a one-on-one team helping clean up at the event.  Scouts may sign up for one shift and can earn $50 for their Scout account.

Again, please understand that the parent is part of the duo and must accompany their Scout at all times. 

Last shift is reserved for third year scouts on up. 

Please read the Parent and Volunteer Information HERE
Waivers are required prior to your shift. Waiver can be found HERE

We're using to organize the shifts. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 
  1. Click this link to go to our SignUp page: HERE
  2. Enter your email address. You do not need to have an account 
  3. Sign up! (Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated 

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually. 

Questions?  Contact Tiffani Boyd


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