Crossover 2021


Saturday, March 6 is the annual Crossover hosted by Troop 1910 for all incoming Arrow of Light Scouts who have graduated from Cub Scouts. This is our official welcome to bring these new boys into our Unit and the Troop family.  

This year Crossover will take place at Hills and Hollows at 2:00 PM following ILST. All Scouts attending ILST are expected to help support the Crossover ceremony for our incoming AOL’s.  Remember what it's like being the new face in the crowd? It can be scary and intimidating so while this may be old hat for you, this is brand new and the beginning of their time in Scouts BSA. All hands on deck to make this successful and welcoming for our new families. 

We will need adult help setting up the monkey bridge on 3/6 (we will start at 11am). If you can assist, please visit with Eric James or Greg Buell at tonight's meeting if you can assist.


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