
Showing posts from March, 2021

Troop Meeting Tonight - In Person

Friendly reminder that the  in-person Troop meeting  will be tonight at 7pm in the east parking lot.  Weather should be in the upper 60's and low 70's so dress accordingly. GRUBMASTERS FROM CAMPOUT  don't forget to return your totes and coolers clean and dry New Parent Orientation Meeting is TONIGHT.   Bring your camp chairs and get information overload from Mr. Sprowles. Scouts wanting to attend summer camp, initial deposits of $100 are due as well as the permission form.  Alternately, you can snail mail those to Amber Hall. Her address was on the e-mail sent out by Mr. Morgan.  Part C of the BSA Health Form is REQUIRED for Summer Camp (your Scout needs to be seen by a doctor for this).

Spring Flower Sales Have Begun

  Troop 1910’s Spring Flower Fundraiser has begun. The Troop is selling: flats of 18 in various types and colors Price per flat: $17-20 depending on the type purchased (very competitive with stores) Profit per flat: $6 per flat directly into your Scout account and $2 per flat to the Troop Orders and money are due:  Monday, March 8th  (If you cannot attend the meeting that night, you may email the scanned order form to Kelly Morgan and make arrangements to get the payment to her.)  A Scout is Thrifty.  A Scout works to pay his own way…  Sell 26 flats... pay your dues for the next year. Sell approximately 50 flats… pay for summer camp. You get the idea. You will pick up the flats you sell and deliver them when they arrive. They are scheduled to be delivered in early April. In the past, they have coordinated our delivery on a Monday afternoon prior to our meeting. The flowers are grown locally and have been very hardy plants. A printable sheet showcasing all available colors is  HERE Orde

Crossover 2021

  Saturday, March 6 is the annual Crossover hosted by Troop 1910 for all incoming Arrow of Light Scouts who have graduated from Cub Scouts. This is our official welcome to bring these new boys into our Unit and the Troop family.   This year Crossover will take place at Hills and Hollows at 2:00 PM following ILST. All Scouts attending ILST are expected to help support the Crossover ceremony for our incoming AOL’s.  Remember what it's like being the new face in the crowd? It can be scary and intimidating so while this may be old hat for you, this is brand new and the beginning of their time in Scouts BSA. All hands on deck to make this successful and welcoming for our new families.  We will need adult help setting up the monkey bridge on 3/6 (we will start at 11am). If you can assist, please visit with Eric James or Greg Buell at tonight's meeting if you can assist.

Introduction To Leadership Skills (ILST)

  March 5-6 will be an ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills Training) campout at Hills & Hollows and is intended for any Scout interested in holding an elected/leadership position in Troop 1910 for the upcoming 3/22 elections. ILST is required for the Senior Patrol Leader ("SPL") team, in addition to NYLT/Twin Arrows training. Permission Forms are due TONIGHT.  Download HERE .

Troop Meeting Tonight IN PERSON

  Friendly reminder that the  in-person Troop meeting  will be tonight at 7pm in the east parking lot.  Weather should be about 45 degrees with 20% chance of showers so dress accordingly. GRUBMASTERS FROM LAST CAMPOUT  don't forget to return your totes and coolers clean and dry SCOUTS WHO TOOK HOME WET TENTS/TARPS don't forget to return those clean and dry Scouts wanting to attend summer camp, initial deposits of $100 are due as well as the permission form.  Alternately, you can snail mail those to Amber Hall. Her address was on the e-mail sent out by Mr. Morgan.  Part C of the BSA Health Form is REQUIRED for Summer Camp (your Scout needs to be seen by a doctor for this).