In Person or Remote?

question-mark-2110767_1280.jpg | No Jitter 

With Keller ISD allowing in-person school as of 8/26, we felt it an appropriate time to survey the Troop as to the parents' desire for Scouts and Scouters to potentially return to in-person meetings and camping as well. 

So, if you would be so kind, please take the 2 question survey emailed to you this evening.  

Obviously, any return to in-person activities requires our Charter Organization's approval, and we will of course abide by all BSA, State of Texas, and CDC requirements regardless. The Scouts' safety is always our highest priority. 

We are well aware that many parents are choosing remote learning and many are choosing in-person or a hybrid of the two. That is the reason for the survey, so we can make an informed decision knowing the desires of our membership. 

Thanks so much for your time in taking the survey, 
Bob Morgan 
Troop 1910 Committee Chair


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