Virtual Scouting

Welcome to a new age in Scouting! With this crazy pandemic on our doorsteps, we have moved our Scouting to the internet in a chance to lessen the impact and "flatten the curve" (you haven't heard that phrase eleventy billion times in the last week have you?

This is something new to our leadership but I can assure you that they are working hard behind-the-scenes to ensure that the momentum and learning continues and that we keep scouting on! 

If you think about it, Scouts are probably much more prepared for the virtual world than we are!  Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

Be sure you're watching our Facebook Page and your e-mail for the updates. You know, the account that's been flooded with COVID-19 protocol for any business you've transacted with since 1994. But, don't ignore the Scoutbook messages... those will help keep you plugged in.


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