Life Scouts... take note

Life Scouts working towards Eagle Projects or preparing for Eagle Board of Review, as per, please make sure you are using the current Eagle workbook required found HERE  Save this document to your hard drive before entering any information or whatever that was input will not save.

As of 9/2/19 - Mustang District Advancement Chair, Theresa Chasteen states: 

Eagle Project Approvals

  1. Are done twice a month. They are scheduled the first Sunday of each month and the third Thursday of each month.
  2. The scout must obtain all signatures except Council/District signature on his project proposal page E before emailing to schedule a time to meet.
  3. A parent or another adult leader must accompany the scout to this meeting. If the scout is more than ten minutes late to the meeting or does not bring another adult we will need to re-schedule for another date.
  4. We are currently trying something new with the sign- up process and we will send the scout the link to sign-up once they have emailed us.
Eagle Boards of Review

  1. Once your scout has completed all requirements for the Eagle Rank including all service project paperwork, Eagle Application (January 2019 version only accepted), ambition statement and has obtained a signed scouting history report from your troop advancement coordinator. The scout will email This is Mr. Wells at the council office. He will schedule a time to meet the scout and verify all his paperwork.
  2. Mr. Wells will give the scout instructions to email to schedule their Eagle Board. This account is checked about once a week typically on the weekend. The scout must have met with Mr. Wells prior to emailing us to schedule a board. 
  3. We will request paperwork be scanned and emailed to us. We send a detailed email to the scout on what we need them to send us.
  4. Once we review the paperwork, again this is done about once a week, we let the scout know if we need additional paperwork or we send them a notification as to when and where the board will be held.
  5. Boards of review are not scheduled until we have all the paperwork that we have requested. 
  6. Boards of review are held the third Thursday of the month. Eagle Candidates are scheduled in order of receiving all documents we’ve requested. A scout cannot request which month they would like to have their board unless it is a later date. For example if they email me next week and request a September board, it will only happen in September if we still have slots open for September and they have all their paperwork in. However, if a scout sends me their paperwork this week and needs to request a board for November due to playing football, in band, theater, etc. chances are we will be able to accommodate their request.


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