Camping Reminders

The 10 essentials all Scouts should have with them on Campouts:

  1. Mess kit
  2. Water bottle and/or hydration pack
  3. Pocketknife (Totin’ Chip required)
  4. Rain gear
  5. Flashlight / head lamp
  6. Layered clothing – jacket for cold nights
  7. First-aid kit
  8. Sun protection (Hat and sun screen) 
  9. Compass 
  10. Fire starter (Firem’n Chit required)

If you notice Tent/Rainfly damage on any future campouts, please set up and take photo of the tags on both with serial numbers and the type of damage and e-mail those to Wes Hunter please. That will greatly help with correcting these issues.

Scouts need to remember that electronics/phones are not allowed on campouts. If they are used on the ride there, they must be left in the vehicle that you rode in to the campout.


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