Congratulations to our new Troop Leadership

Troop elections are an integral part of the leadership process. It allows boys to not only have a voice in their program, it also gives them a voice in who is leading their program. We are proud and congratulate the following Scouts on their newly elected positions:

Senior Patrol Leader -- Will W 
Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders -- Noah L, Felix R, Mason W, Luke W 
Quartermaster -- Robert R
Assistant Quartermasters -- Chandler B, Walker M, Michael W
Librarian -- Chase K
Chaplain's Aide -- Nathan W
Bugler -- Shane S
Historian -- Connor W
Leave No Trace -- David T
Webmaster -- Colton H
Troop Guides -- Chandler B, Evan H, Noah L, Chase K, Walker M, Felix R, Nathan W, Connor W, Michael W 
Troop Instructors -- Matthew E, Colton H, John H, Nathan W, Connor W 
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster -- Will S


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