Don't Mess With Texas Art Contest

Did you know that Texans ages 16-34 are the most likely to litter? We need to do all we can to motivate young Texans to keep our environment free from trash. Help Don't mess with Texas and Keep Texas Beautiful teach our future leaders the importance of litter prevention by getting involved in the Don't mess with Texas® K-12 Art Contest!

This contest is a great way to share the Don’t mess with Texas and Keep Texas Beautiful litter prevention messages with our Scouts so that they learn good habits now to last them a lifetime! What a great way, too, to bring the message of Scouting to the whole State of Texas!

Entry deadline is April 20, 2018.  

There are some pretty cool prizes!  I know we have some creative Scouts!  Do your best and you may wind up one of the winners!
Texas students enrolled in grades K-12 are invited to submit original artwork promoting litter prevention and keeping Texas beautiful. The contest begins January 16, 2018. All entries must be submitted or postmarked by April 20, 2018. Entries will promote the Don't mess with Texas and/or Keep Texas Beautiful litter prevention slogans. Decisions will be judged based on creativity and uniqueness, inclusion of a litter prevention message and interpretation of theme, overall visual appeal, composition and age appropriateness. Students who create the top 13 winning designs will have their artwork assigned to a month or placed on the cover of the 2019 Don't mess with Texas Calendar. Each will also win a Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 9.7" tablet donated by Samsung. All student winners and runners-up may be showcased on the Don't mess with Texas and Keep Texas Beautiful websites and social media sites, at the 2018 Keep Texas Beautiful annual conference, in media announcements, and through other channels.
Official contest rules are found HERE
Entry form is found HERE
Official event flyer can be found HERE
Litter fact sheet can be found HERE

Some of last year's winners are below, the remainder can be found HERE:

5th grade winner

8th grade winner

10th grade winner


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