New Year Resolutions

While the last few days are counting down on the calendar before we all gather with family and friends to count down the minutes and seconds to another new year, we get to reflect on the past year and also look ahead to the new.

Do you make New Year's resolutions? Or, have you resolved to make no resolutions? Either way, I've got a challenge for you!  Interested?  Good!  Keep reading. Did you know the top 10 New Year's resolutions are:

What if I told you that there was a way to incorporate almost all of these into your year just by taking on a simple challenge I issue to you and yours?  My challenge is for you to exemplify and encourage your family to live out the 12 points of the Scout Law in your lives EVERY DAY!

While the Boy Scouts of America gives us a single point of the Scout Law to have as our primary focus for each month, we are going to list one individual point of the Scout Law every day for the first 12 days of our new year with specific examples on how to incorporate and encourage your scout to live out his pledge. Our hope is that you are continually inspired to encourage his journey. And, who knows, it just might help you bring your own resolutions to fruition as well!

Read the examples given and then recall them monthly as we reintroduce the specific point of the Scout Law that will be our focus and "theme" of the month.

So, while you may not be interested in making traditional resolutions, how about simply setting a goal for the benefit of you, your Scout, our program and mankind in general. How can you say no to that?! Come January 1... we will begin! Happy New Year Troop 1910! Let's make 2018 our best year yet!


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