
Showing posts from December, 2017

A Scout is Trustworthy

The first point of the Scout Law is Trustworthy. Just how can you demonstrate this most important point of the Scout Law in your daily life? It's simple really... Tell the truth. Be sincere. Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Keep your word. Be reliable. Return things you borrow. Keep private information private. Don't gossip. Don't ask a friend to do something wrong to keep your friendship. A Scout tells the truth. As the athletes of the world strive to do their personal best in international competition, Cub Scouts have the opportunity to “Let the Games Begin” by doing their best in feats of skill and sport. Remember that not only is it important to do your best when you play a sport, but it is also important to be trustworthy when following the rules of the game. Winning at all costs is not part of a Scout’s code of conduct. David Wolfe has said that the four traits of a trustworthy person are: They are their true selves. They're not lea

New Year Resolutions

While the last few days are counting down on the calendar before we all gather with family and friends to count down the minutes and seconds to another new year, we get to reflect on the past year and also look ahead to the new. Do you make New Year's resolutions? Or, have you resolved to make no resolutions? Either way, I've got a challenge for you!   Interested?   Good!  Keep reading. Did you know the top 10 New Year's resolutions are: What if I told you that there was a way to incorporate almost all of these into your year just by taking on a simple challenge I issue to you and yours?  My challenge is for you to exemplify and encourage your family to live out the 12 points of the Scout Law in your lives EVERY DAY! While the Boy Scouts of America gives us a single point of the Scout Law to have as our primary focus for each month, we are going to list one individual point of the Scout Law every day for the first 12 days of our new year with specific exa

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to our Troop 1910 family. Our hope is that amid the wrapping frenzy, the last minute errands and the "hurry" that can sometimes overshadow this blessed day... ... that Santa brought everyone something from your list ... that the food was amazing ... that your blessings were plentiful ... that the memories made are irreplaceable ... and that you were able to spend quality time with all those you love and cherish. Family is truly the best gift. Our hope is that the spirit of the season is rekindled within each of you to carry forward through to the new year. Merry Christmas to one and all!  Oh, and, it'll likely be a shocker to some of you, but we aren't having a Troop meeting tonight.

No Troop Meeting

A reminder that there is NO TROOP MEETING tonight.  See you next year!

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a Troop Christmas party & chili cookoff tonight!  This is the last opportunity to bring your Toys for Tots donation. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm. 

World Scout Jamboree

Attention Scouters... the World Scout Jamboree ("WSJ") is coming to North America in 2019. If you're interested in attending this event, NOW is the time to move!  Why?  The spots are limited and are in high demand! The basic outline of all the World Scout Jamboree info is on THIS PAGE on the Longhorn Council's website.  It also has links to the World Jamboree website and registration. The two most informative pages are the “ Basic FAQ ” page and the “ How to Apply ” page.  BSA and Southern Region are handling registration and all the payments through the WSJ website. They are also handling all the details, including transportation. Longhorn Council has been given only  two Troops , each with 36 Scouts and 4 leaders, and one Venture Crew of 36 and 4. They'll be sharing those 3 units with Scouts from the councils west of us.  Of those spots, 13 are already filled with registrations, so if you want to attend, you need to start the registration process RI

January Camping

January's camping trip will focus on COOKING and will be at Hills & Hollows January 18-21. Permission forms are due at January 15. The permission form is HERE . Permission forms and patrol food money will both be due January 15 (the Monday prior to the campout), so be prepared! Bring $15 cash to give to your grubmaster. Adults, you can give your $20 to the designated White Buffalo coordinator.

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight -- it's the Annual Slideshow!  Be sure to bring your toy donation for Toys for Tots! See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.