Safe Sanctuary and Adult Leadership

Keller United Methodist Church
Child Youth and Protection Policy

Keller United Methodist Church takes safety measures in the selection and recruitment of those who
work directly with children/youth, implements procedures in programs and events, and educates
workers, helpers, and volunteers regarding the Church Policy and state law.

How to become eligible to volunteer with children and youth in Troop 1910:

  1. Read the Safe Sanctuary Policy.
  2. View the Safe Sanctuary Training Presentation.
  3. Print and complete the Authorization for Information/Criminal Background Report and the Participation Covenant Statement and return both signed documents to the church office. Forms are also available in the church office.
  4. Have 3 references who have known you for at least three years, and are not related to you, submit either the Electronic Reference Form OR provide your references; names and e-mails or mailing addresses to Victoria Wilson and the church will e-mail the link or send paper forms for them to complete.

For more information about Safe Sanctuary at Keller UMC, contact Victoria Wilson or Kim Kuhlman.


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