Troop Elections

Every six months, Troop 1910 holds their election. Troop elections allow every Scout the opportunity to choose the strongest leadership to run the Troop.  Everyone has something to offer. Plus, Scouts that are First Class or above need to hold a position of leadership within the troop in order to advance in rank.

We currently have some leadership positions open with no one running for them -- Webmaster, Historian, Leave No Trace trainer, and Bugler. This is your chance to get the required leadership experience for advancement.

Every position has a something important to teach about leadership, and it's vital to our troop that we all work together to make it go. So go ahead and run for one of these positions. The current SPL team will teach you everything you need to know to be successful in your position.

Scouts interested in running for an elected position, together with their parents, need to complete THIS FORM and turn it in to Mr. Spisak by Friday, September 15.  Elections will be held Monday, September 18 at the regularly scheduled Troop meeting.


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