
Showing posts from January, 2022

BSA Covid Protocol Update

  Today the Longhorn Council came out with and update regarding the Covid-19 safety protocols and they are as follows: Longhorn Council Statement on COVID-19 The safety of our Scouts, volunteers, employees, and communities is our top priority. Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be informed by expertise from agencies, including the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the  Texas Department of State Health Services  and the local health departments and agencies within our service area. On March 2, 2021, Gov. Abbott issued  Executive Order GA-34 , relating to opening Texas 100% and the removal of the statewide mask mandate. On May 18, 2021, Gov. Abbott issued  Executive Order GA-36 , prohibiting government entities from mandating masks.  On Dec. 27, 2021, the CDC updated its recommended isolation and quarantine period for the general population.  In part, it reduced the required quarantine from 10 days down to 5 days, provided no symptoms exist and there is strict