
Showing posts from December, 2021

Troop Meeting Tonight

  Don't forget the Troop meeting is tonight at 6:30 pm and we are having our annual Christmas party where they will have Escape Rooms!  Wear your most festive Christmas attire. Field Uniforms are not required tonight. COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY :  Please bring food donations for the KUMC Resource Center.  They need mac & cheese, pasta sauce and canned soups, new underwear, new socks.  They provide for men, women and children.   APACHES, BUCKS, ENERGIZERS, WOLVERINES AND FLYING EAGLES: Bring a dessert   LUCKY CHARMS, PANTHERS AND VIKINGS Bring drinks FLAMING ARROWS, PEDRO: paper goods, cups, bowls and napkins And... last but not least... the annual CHILI COOK OFF!   All adults and scouts are eligible to participate. Be sure to bring serving spoons and have all of your supplies clearly labeled.  Grubmasters -- please remember to return your food coolers and totes clean and dry. 2023 high adventure meeting Please avoid bringing any food/candy with nuts (especially peanuts) beca