
Showing posts from May, 2021

Mt. Gilead Ceremony Canceled

   The Memorial Day Ceremony at Mt. Gilead has been canceled. We just can't catch a break this year. 

Memorial Day 2021

  NO TROOP MEETING MONDAY, MAY 31... WE WILL SEE ALL TROOP MEMBERS IN THEIR FULL FIELD UNIFORM AT THE FLAG RETIREMENT CEREMONY AT MT. GILEAD. INFO BELOW. While many Americans will celebrate Memorial Day with hot dogs, hamburgers and a day off... let us not forget what this day is really all about. Memorial Day is not about 20% off sales and lounging by the pool. Memorial Day is a day of honor and respect for our fallen... and sometimes forgotten. From the US Memorial Day  website , Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it’s difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. Regardless of the exact date or location of its origins, one thing is clear – Memorial Day was borne out of the Civil Wa


 Due to the continued rain, we are switching tonight's meetings (both PLC and Troop) to VIRTUAL.  Please check your email for the Zoom login.

The Troop Committee Needs YOU!

  We are looking for a volunteer to fill the position of Adult Training Coordinator for the Troop. This person helps track Youth Protection Training (YPT) status, notify the Troop about upcoming IOLS training for prospective Assistant Scoutmasters, ensure our Committee is trained for their positions (online), etc.  This is a largely behind-the-scenes position. If you are interested, please just let our Committee Chair, Bob Morgan , know or catch him at the Troop meeting.

Maintaining Safe Sanctuary Records

 As part of our agreement with our Chartered Organization, Keller United Methodist Church, we maintain the strictest adherence to the BSA's Youth Protection Guidelines, but going a step further, we also ensure we are in compliance with Keller UMC's Safe Sanctuary policy.   Part of that is to keep track of the attendance of all adults at our events. This helps us know your active status as well as helps to maintain a record for ensuring Safe Sanctuary guidelines are met. In the past, we kept a logbook for each person to have to sign into but we've automated this for you... If you log in to our website from a mobile device, just beneath the red title header you should see a black triangle pointing down.  Press that to bring up a list of Pages from our site.  Scroll to the bottom and choose "Safe Sanctuary".  This will take you directly to the two-question form. Additionally, if you're doing this from a desktop or choose the "Desktop view" from the webp

Eagle Project Volunteers Needed

One of the many perks of membership in the BSA is that you are never  alone.  What does that mean exactly?  Well, you're not only surrounded by your Patrol Members and friends who want to see you succeed, but you've also the backing and support of hundreds of volunteers in your unit, serving your District and at your Council who will do everything possible to equip you with the tools to succeed.  We are blessed at Troop 1910 to have many members and leaders willing to show up and prove that together, we can do big things!  So, let's do just that!   We have two upcoming opportunities for Eagle Service Projects that need your help.  Leaders, Scouts, friends, parents... let's help make their projects a success! Walker Morgan Two dates: Saturday, May 29 and Saturday, June 5 10 am Slide Pool Park at SEC of Park Vista and Woodland Springs Dr. Service hours will be awarded. FLYER IS HERE Austin Walker Saturday, June 19 8am Keller UMC Prayer Garden Service hours will be awarded

Life To Eagle Meeting

  Parents, there will be a Life to Eagle presentation by Theresa Chasteen, Mustang District Advancement Chair, for all Star and Life Scouts and their parents to learn about the next steps in progressing toward the rank of Eagle Scout. These meetings are few and far between so please make plans to attend. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs.  Please be sure to check your email for any weather-related notifications for tonight's meeting.

Troop Meeting Tonight

    Friendly reminder that the  in-person Troop meeting  will be tonight at 7pm in the east parking lot.  Weather could be a deciding factor to go virtual. Leadership will make that determination this afternoon so watch your e-mail before heading out.  GRUBMASTERS FROM MAY'S CAMPOUT NEED  TO RETURN THEIR COOLERS CLEAN AND DRY

PLC Meeting Tonight

  There will be a 6pm PLC Meeting tonight before the Troop Meeting. Meet in the east parking lot of Keller UMC.   All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, elected positions and the SPL team should plan to attend. We are monitoring the weather situation and will make the determination of in-person or virtual by 1pm today.

Committee Meeting - Tomorrow

  Don't forget the Troop Committee Meeting is TOMORROW NIGHT via Zoom. Check your e-mail for the link.

Court of Honor Tonight

  Court of Honor is tonight at 7pm.