
Showing posts from November, 2020

Virtual Troop Meeting TONIGHT

 Don't forget tonight's Virtual Troop Meeting at 7pm. Please check your e-mail for the login information.

December Campout - CANCELLATION - Virtual Opportunity

  Due to the recent resurgence of COVID-19 Virus concerns, Troop Leadership has determined the unfortunate need to cancel next month's Wilderness Survival (WS) Campout, and temporarily return to online Virtual Troop Meetings through January 11, 2021.  As four Scouts had signed up for Wilderness Survival prior to this decision having been made, Mr. Kurt Van Speybroeck (who would've been the Merit Badge Counselor running the Wilderness Survival  Program at the December Campout) has offered to provide online instruction (in a format similar to our recent virtual Merit Badge College sessions), as described in his email copied in below.  Additionally, if your scout didn't sign up but had potentially considered this opportunity, this is now open to everyone.  The follow-on plan at this time is to have the in-person Wilderness Survival overnight exercise folded into the January Shooting Range Campout (January 22 - 24, 2021).  If your Scout is interested in this opportunity, please