
Showing posts from December, 2019

Toys, Chili and Pinatas -- Oh My!

December 16 is right around the corner, so now is the opportunity to BE PREPARED for all the fun we have in store!   Please be sure to bring at least one new, unwrapped toy for our Toys For Tots toy drive.   Leaders, parents and committee members, please bring your best crock of chili... vegeterian, white bean, Texas red... you name it... let's see it! (Don't forget to bring along a serving spoon and any fixin's you would like to serve such as cheese, diced onions, green onions, chips, etc.) Oh yeah, and there'll be some pinatas... it gets a little wild!  Bring your a-game!

Troop Meeting Tonight

Troop Meeting tonight in the FLC (Family Life Center) at 7pm BOARD OF REVIEW ADULT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TONIGHT Tonight is the annual slide show.  Come grab some popcorn and stroll through memory lane with your Troop members! DECEMBER PERMISSION FORMS ARE DUE WITH GRUB $$ We will be meal planning for the December camp-out. So be prepared to grab your cooler if you're QM for your patrol.  $15 per Scout and $20 per adult 

December Camp Out

Permission forms for the December Wilderness Survival campout at Worth Ranch are due at our next meeting on December 9. The permission form is HERE . Remember both permission forms and patrol food money will both be due TOMORROW, so be prepared! Bring your $15 patrol food money to give to your grubmaster. Adults, you can give your $20 to the White Buffalo coordinator.

Troop Meeting Tonight

Troop Meeting tonight in the FLC (Family Life Center) at 7pm RECHARTER DUES ARE DUE TONIGHT