
Showing posts from August, 2018

Fall Flower Sales

The fall flower sale fundraiser is in full swing. Click HERE for order forms and click HERE for a color guide for the flowers. Flats are $17 each (18 4-inch pots per flat), with $6 of that amount going directly to the Scout's account to be used toward event registration, camping equipment, Troop activities and more. Order sheets and flower money are due to Mrs. Morgan  September 17 . Flowers will be ready for you to pickup to deliver in mid-October. If you have any questions, please come to tonight's meeting.

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.

Court of Honor is Tonight

Please join us tonight at 7pm in the Family Life Center for the Summer Court of Honor to celebrate the advancement, achievements and recognition of all of our amazing Scouts in Troop 1910.

Safe Sanctuary Rewewals

At the same time that BSA is requiring all Scouters to take the new Youth Protection course in order to have a current YPT certification, our Chartering Organization, Keller United Methodist Church, is requiring all adults who work with youth to renew their Safe Sanctuary certification. Adult leaders who are Safe Sanctuary certified will be receiving letters from Keller United Methodist Church concerning the upcoming global Safe Sanctuary renewal. As part of this renewal, all Safe Sanctuary volunteers will be required to do a new background check, and are being asked to pay the $15 fee to process the background check. The reason for this $15 fee is it is a blanket renewal, involving hundreds of volunteers at once, and the large cost is not in the church budget. These renewals must be done before October 31, 2018, or the Safe Sanctuary volunteer will be taken off the roster and must start the entire process over, including references.  For those who are unaware of Safe Sanctuar

Youth Protection Training

The BSA has announced bold, wide-ranging updates to its Youth Protection program as part of an ongoing effort to protect young people from child abuse. This starts with an enhanced online Youth Protection training course ("YPT2") that all volunteers must complete . Even those Scout leaders who took the previous version of Youth Protection training must log into and complete the updated Youth Protection course. Who needs to take YPT2?  Anyone registered in any volunteer capacity with the BSA All Assistant Scoutmasters All Committee Members Plus, anyone who plans to attend a troop function or drive Scouts to and from Scout events.  You do NOT have to be a registered leader to take Youth Protection Training.  In fact, the more of our Troop families that take it, the more protected ALL of our Scouts are! The updated course debuted in February 2018; if you took Youth Protection training prior to that, you’ll need to complete the updated course b

BSA Today

Sometimes it's quite beneficial to address the elephant in the room -- yes, GIRLS were welcomed into the BSA! As such, there has been a new video short series to help guide the public at large into the change and what it means for us, them, you and the BSA. Welcome to BSA Today – a new series of short videos featuring information and updates on timely topics in Scouting. Each installment will provide you with news you can use. This month we are sharing a great video from Heart of America Council on welcoming girls into Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA. Watch it, post it, share it. Take a look!  

Annual Planning Conference Tomorrow Night

The Annual Planning Conference is tomorrow tonight, August 3, from 7pm-midnight at the Scout House. If you have not yet turned in a permission form, it's not too late to attend. Just bring the attached form with you to the APC. Don't forget to bring your $5 for pizza, and either a snack to share or a drink Scouts with last names beginning A-K bring water or a 2-liter bottle of soda, Scouts with last name beginning L-Z bring a snack to share.  And parents, don't forget to pick up your Scout at midnight! Permission Forms may be found HERE