
Showing posts from January, 2018

Philmont Information Meeting

Scouts interested in the High Adventure backpack trip to Philmont, be sure to come to the informational meeting at tonight's Troop meeting. Assistant Scoutmaster, Rick Ward, will be holding a 30-45 minute meeting and will include lots of information about what a Philmont trek looks like, what to expect, costs, training, etc. If your scout is AT ALL interested in going to Philmont, we highly encourage you to attend. Tooth of Time The trek will take place June 30, 2019. The requirements to go to Philmont are 14 years old and First Class rank at the time of the start of the trek. Please come by and learn about the great experience that is Philmont! We have started a dedicated page on our website for all things Philmont. It will continually be updated with information for our Troop.  See that HERE .

February Camping

February's camping trip will focus on ORIENTEERING and will be at LBJ Grasslands near Alvord, TX, February 9-11. Be sure to check out your Orienteering Merit Badge blue card if you haven't already and download the workbook HERE to help you track your requirements. Permission Forms may be found HERE and are due with your grub money ($15 per scout/$20 per adult) at the February 5 Troop meeting . Oh, and if the program and location wasn't enough -- the White Buffalo will be cooking everyone a STEAK DINNER Saturday night!  SCORE!

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.

Super Blue Blood Moon

Some super cool news for sky gazers this Wednesday, it's the Super Blue Blood Moon.  While the lunar trifecta has all kinds of space gazers in a tizzy... unfortunately, you'd need to be in Alaska (or at least California) to witness the full impact on US soil.  However, we will be part of the Super Blue Moon and so two out of three ain't shabby!  The Jan. 31 full moon is special for three reasons: it’s the third in a series of “supermoons,” when the Moon is closer to Earth in its orbit -- known as perigee -- and is about 14 percent brighter than usual.  Ever heard the phrase "once in a blue moon?" This idiom is one that most people mutter but don't really know the history of.  A "blue moon" is when there are two full lunar cycles in a month. So, this full moon will be the second in January, the first having taken place New Year's Day. Then we have the "blood" moon (the portion we won't really get to witness), however, it&#

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.

A Scout is Reverent

The Boy Scout Law – “A Scout is Reverent” A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others. The word reverence refers to a profound respect for God. The wonders of the world remind us of our God's creative power. We find it in the tiny lines of a leaf and the great mysteries of the universe. It exists in the kindness of people and in the teachings of our families and religious leaders.  We show our reverence by living our lives according to the ideals of our beliefs. The Scout benediction is " May the Great Master of all Scouts be with us until we meet again. " The United States Constitution gives each of us complete freedom to believe and worship as we wish without fear of punishment. All your life, you will encounter people who hold different religious beliefs or even none at all. It is your duty to respect and defend the rights of others whose beliefs may differ from yours. (From The Boy Scout Handb

A Scout Is Clean

Our trusty Scout Handbook reminds us that, "A Scout is clean. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit. He chooses the company of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean." We can't remotely expect to be outdoor enthusiasts and not get dirty. Camping is dirty work, but that's part of the allure of the outdoors. You're really getting to be one with nature. Sometimes literally. Sometimes, you may look like you're actually becoming part of it! Think about all of the "dirty" (although honorable) jobs out there -- mechanics, construction workers, farmers, coal miners... the list goes on and on. I mean, there is an Eagle Scout who has made a career of showing us just how many Dirty Jobs ARE out there. Yep! Mike Rowe is an Eagle Scout. Pretty cool, huh? In the pursuit of "clean," we have actually created quite a conundrum for mankind in that some people now have the mindset that all dirt and

A Scout is Brave

The tenth point of the Scout Law is Brave -- by definition, the polar opposite of fear. Although, I believe that both can be equally crippling. Being brave doesn't mean you're not afraid... bravery is actually to continue to move forward despite being afraid and frankly, it's something quite different for each and every one of us. Bravery could mean something as simple as standing on top of the monkey bars to a young scout or signing your name on the line to dedicate your life serving in our nation's military. Bravery can be conquering Mt. Everest or having the courage to stand up before strangers to deliver a speech. It could be going away for the first time ever to camp without the creature comforts to which you've grown accustomed... to walking into the meeting of a brand new Pack and trying to make friends with people you don't know. Bravery is saying no to the wrong thing. Bravery can be having the courage to quit when you know the path by which y

A Scout is Thrifty

The Scout handbook states that "A Scout is thrifty. A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property." The Boy Scout Trail states it well, "Of the twelve points in the Scout Law, I imagine that Thrifty is the one most difficult to quantify. A Scout in an affluent community may consider himself thrifty by saving his $25 allowance for two weeks to buy a video game while a few Scouts in a less wealthy neighborhood might pool the change they collected from turning in soda bottles to buy a bag of candy. Being rich or poor does not define the ability to be thrifty or not. A rich person can be thrifty without being a Scrooge and a poor person can be thrifty while still sharing what he has." One of the reasons we have fundraisers is so not to burden our Scouts' families with the cost of every activity he may wish to participate in. If he doesn't bear

A Scout is Cheerful

So we've talked about the fact that a Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient and now... Cheerful. The Scout Handbook reminds us that "A Scout is cheerful. A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy." On the surface, "cheerful" doesn't necessarily seem like it's quite as tough of an attribute to attain as some of the others-- but let's take a deeper look. "He cheerfully does tasks that come his way." Can you think of a time when someone asked you to do something that you didn't want to do? Were you cheerful about it? I mean, you know it had to be done regardless, so the bottom line was your attitude about completing the task at hand. That is what can make all the difference in the world. For those of you who aren't spring chickens, you may recall a certain Disney movie with a beautiful, dark-haired princ

Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday is an observance of the connection between the BSA and its religious-oriented chartering partners. As part of our commitment to giving back to our Chartered Organization, our units (the Troop, the Crew and the Pack) provide volunteers at each of the services held Saturday, 2/17 and Sunday, 2/18 to continually recognize the impact of Scouting within the church body of Keller UMC. Youth will be greeters/ushers to help recognize and demonstrate our commitment to the Scout Law being Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Cheerful and Reverent. Participation qualifies Scouts to receive the Scout Sunday patch pictured above. Your family needn't be a member of the church for your Scout to participate, just a registered Scout of our Unit. You need to officially sign up through the link below so that Mr. Hearrell, our Chartered Organization Representative, may track and communicate with volunteers as needed. For those wanting to participate, full Field Uniform is requir

White Water Rafting High Adventure Trip

Make plans now to get wet and wild this summer with Troop 1910 on a high adventure trip like no other -- white water rafting in North Carolina.  Assistant Scoutmaster Kenn Wardle is leading this awesome experience for our Troop. The trip is limited to 20 participants (youth/adults) and must follow the age requirements for high adventure. Click the image below to be taken to the Information and Permission Form .  Registration is open now. Deadlines and payment installment dates are on the flyer.

Troop Meeting Tonight

Reminder that there is a troop meeting tonight. Merit Badge College registration is open, January campout Permission Forms will be accepted. See you at the Family Life Center at 7pm.

A Scout is Obedient

The Scout Handbook says, "A Scout is obedient. A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them." Miriam Webster defines obedient as submissive to the restraint or command of authority: willing to obey. While in Cub Scouts, Akela is in command -- be it a parent, Den Chief, Den Leader, Cubmaster or other authoritative figure, but as the ranks progress from Lion to Tiger to Wolf to Bear and then to Webelos... we start giving some of those leadership opportunities back to the boys. Once in Boy Scouts, it's all about tribal knowledge and transferring that training in obedience to becoming an authority and a good leader to those in your command. It's a full-circle moment. Learning to be obedient is learning to self-discipline. Submissive to another's command isn't j